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~ Numi main page ( options )


~ Euro currencies coins catalog



~ Euro coins from Germany
~ Euro coins from Austria
~ Euro coins from Belgium
~ Euro coins from Spain
~ Euro coins from Finland
~ Euro coins from France
~ Euro coins from Greece
~ Euro coins from Netherlands
~ Euro coins from Ireland
~ Euro coins from Italy
~ Euro coins from Luxembourg
~ Euro coins from Monaco
~ Euro coins from Portugal
~ Euro coins from San Marino
~ Euro coins from Vatican City
~ Euro coins from Slovenia
~ Euro coins from Lithuania
~ Euro coins from Estonia
~ Euro coins from Malta
~ Euro coins from Cyprus
~ Euro coins from Slovakia
~ Euro coins from Latvia
~ Euro coins from other countries


~ 1 Euro cent coins currecies
~ 2 Euro cent coins currencies
~ 5 Euro cent coins currencies
~ 10 Euro cent coins currencies
~ 20 Euro cent coins currencies
~ 50 Euro cent coins currencies
~ 1 Euro coins currencies
~ 2 Euro coins currencies and conmemoratives
~ 1 1/2 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 2 1/2 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 3 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 5 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 7 1/2 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 8 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 10 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 12 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 15 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 20 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 25 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 50 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 100 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 250 Euro currencies and conmemoratives
~ 500 Euro currencies and conmemoratives


~ Mintage of the Euros
~ Caractheristics of Coins
~ Euro Coins´ Variants
~ Information about Euro


 ~ Numismatic Catalogs fron Europe. XX Century


~ Spanish currencies coins catalog


~ Coins of the Unió Catalanista
~ Coins of the King Alfonso XIII. ( 1 cent - 1 peseta )
~ Coins of the King Alfonso XIII. ( 2 - 100 Pesetas )
~ Coins of the Second spanish republic
~ Local coins emissions of the spanish civil war I
~ Local coins emissions of the spanish civil war II
~ Coins of the Spanish State ( Francisco Franco)
~ Coins of Juan Carlos I. ( 50 cents - 10 pesetas )
~ Coins of Juan Carlos I. ( 25 - 50 pesetas )
~ Coins of Juan Carlos I. ( 100 - 200 pesetas )
~ Coins of Juan Carlos I. ( 500 - 2000 pesetas )


 ~ French currencies coins catalog


~ 1 cent coins
~ 2 cents coins
~ 5 cents coins
~ 10 cents coins
~ 20 cents coins
~ 50 cents coins
~ 1 franc coins
~ 2 francs coins
~ 5 francs coins
~ 10 francs coins
~ 20 francs coins
~ 50 francs coins
~ 100 francs coins


 ~ German Currencies Coins Catalog



~ Kingdom of Prussia
~ Kingdom of Bavaria
~ Kingdom of Saxony
~ Kingdom of Wurttemberg
~ Great Duchy of Baden
~ Great Duchy of Hesse
~ Great Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
~ Great Duchy of Oldenburg
~ Great Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
~ Great Duchy of Mecklenburg - Strelitz
~ Duchy of Anhalt
~ Duchy of Brunswick
~ Duchy of Saxe-Altenburg
~ Duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld
~ Duchy of Saxe-Meiningen
~ Principality of Lippe
~ Principality of Reuss Junior Line
~ Principality of Reuss Elder Line
~ Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe
~ Principality of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt
~ Principality of Schwarzburg-Sondershausen
~ Principality of Waldeck
~ Free City of Bremen
~ Free City of Hamburg
~ Free City of Lubeck



~ Usual Currency. Reichsmark
~ Commemoratives 3 Reichsmark
~ Commemoratives 5 Reichsmark



~ Usual Currencies. Mark
~ Commemoratives 5 Mark
~ Commemoratives 5 Mark (II Parte)
~ Commemoratives 10 Mark
~ Commemoratives 10 Mark (II Parte)
~ Commemoratives 20 Mark
~ Commemoratives 20 Mark (II Parte)


~ Usual Currencies
~ Commemoratives 5 Mark
~ Commemoratives 5 Mark (II Parte)
~ Commemoratives 10 Mark
~ Commemoratives 10 Mark (II Parte)
~ Saarland Coins


 ~ Finnish Currencies Coins Catalog


~ Great Duchy. Nicholas II
~ Finnish Civil War
~ First Issues of the Republic
~ Second Issues of the Republic
~ Third Issues of the Republic
~ Fourth Issues of the Republic
~ Fifth Issues of the Republic
~ Markkaa Commemoratives


~ Irish Currencies Coins Catalog


~ Irish Free State
~ Irish Republic
~ Decimal Coinage. Pound ( Punt )


 ~ Portuguese Currencies Coins Catalog


~ Kingdom of Portugal. Carlos I. ( Reis )
~ Kingdom of Portugal. Manuel II
~ First Portuguese Republic. ( Escudo )
~ Second Portuguese Republic. Estado Novo (1p)
~ Second Portuguese Republic. Estado Novo (2p)
~ Third Portuguese Republic (1p)
~ Third Portuguese Republic (2p)
~ Third Portuguese Republic (3p)
~ Third Portuguese Republic (4p)


~ Monegasque Currencies Coins Catalog


~ Principality of Monaco. Albert I
~ Principality of Monaco Louis II
~ Principality of Monaco. Rainier III


 ~ Austrian currencies coins catalog


~ Austro-Hungarian Empire. Goldkrone
~ First Austrian Republic
~ German Occupation. Anschluss
~ Second Austrian Republic. 10 Groschen - 10 Schilling
~ Second Austrian Republic. 20 Schilling
~ Second Austrian Republic. 25 Schilling
~ Second Austrian Republic. 50 Schilling
~ Second Austrian Republic. 100 Schilling
~ Second Austrian Republic. 500 Schilling
~ Second Austrian Republic. 500 - 1000 Schilling


~ Slovene currencies coins catalog


 ~ Belgian currencies coins catalog


 ~ Greek currencies coins catalog


 ~ Dutch currencies coins catalog


 ~ Italian currencies coins catalog


 ~ Luxembourg currencies coins catalog


~ San Marino Currencies Coins Catalog


 ~ Vatican Currencies Coins Catalog


 ~ Maltese Currencies Coins Catalog


 ~ Cypriot Currencies Coins Catalog


 ~ Lithuanian Currencies Coins Catalog


 ~ Latvian Currencies Coins Catalog


 ~ Estonian Cuirrencies Coins Catalog


~ Slovak Currencies Coins Catalog


~ Numismatic information and coins


~ Numismatic street markets at Spain
~ Numismatic conventionsin 2007 at Spain

~ Collecting; introduction to numismatics
~ KM ( identification code ) of euro
~ List Country - Divise - Monetary fraction
~ Grades of coins conservation
~ Download of numismatic articles
~ Numeric graphies of the different cultures

~ Instructions to create a numismatics´ personal web site begining from a site-archive
~ Downloads: numismatic site-archive & programs
~ Example page (final result)

~ Main Page

~ Information about the euro coins catalogue
~ List of good numismatic swappers
~ List of double coins to exchange

~ Information about the numismatic links

~ My numismatics´ web sites
~ Numismatic favourites sites
~ Personal numismatic web sites
~ Numismatic directories
~ Forums of numismatics and coins
~ Pages for coins exchange
~ Numismatic information portals
~ URL of central banks
~ URL of mints
~ Numismatic asociations
~ Other pages with numismatic content
~ Coins on sale web sites



~ To buy - Coins on Sale


~ To buy European coins on sale
~ To buy African coins on sale
~ To buy Asian coins on sale
~ To buy American coins on sale
~ To buy Oceanian coins on sale
~ To buy wholesale bulk lot coins on sale